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今年的聖誕禮物!To b. by agnes.b 黑色腕錶& agnes.b 鑰匙包 2013年12月7日 - 天知道我大概兩百年沒戴錶了吧~到底被什麼打到突然想買錶呢? ... To b. by agnes.b的黑色絨布提袋加上金閃閃的包裝. 拿到時我 .... 日本小旅行.
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Agnes, Yuna & Charice- In HOLLYWOOD!! (2014) - YouTube THIS IS NOT A COMPARISON VIDEO.. PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION BELOW FOR THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS.. Well, this is the tribute video to the Asian Pride.. The beloved Charice, Yuna and Agnes.. They are not comparable to each other, because they are the best in thei
Agnes Obel - The Curse (Official Video) - YouTube 'The Curse' is taken from Agnes' new album 'Aventine' out now and available here: The single is available from iTunes here: Director and Photographer Alex Brüel Flagstad http://
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